Muzzled by apparatus. I.V. installed. Veins in warmth. Into unconsciousness. Brain half dead. Mental relaxation. Deranged sensation. Scorching scraping. O.R. sound effects disturb me. Are my eyes open? Am I awoken? Deep sleep. Brain half dead. Nothing’s a bother. Chest split open. Broken blood soaking, scalpels still cutting. Shredded flesh smelling. The sight of my own torso. Covered in blood. Gagging on my blood. Esophagus clogged. Pus filled rapidly. Bloody heart pumping. Liver quivering. Intestines dangling. Lung’s fluid packed. Collapsing siphoning. Organs are barely functioning. Horrid dismembering. Numbness unbarring. Pain enduring. Air intake decreasing. High pitched shrieking. Blacked out hysterically bludgeoned into insanity.