Tag: Carcass

Go To Hell

Some people aren't cut out to be saints And since I was born in original sin Hedonism has a certain ...

Don’t Believe a Word

You should never take too literally what you read Misinformation, distortion, make belief Fabrications, half truths implied Misquotations, out of ...

R**k the Vote

Hands in another's pocket The bed they make Is not the one in which they lie The same old faces ...

Firm Hand

Firmhand, iron fist, an ardent dexterous weeding process Overlord with a strong grip, viral containment, a harvesting grid Firmhand - ...

Generation Hexed

Lost forever A whole generation of pathetic lost souls With no meaning no depth They're already dead, before it gets ...


Don't want your number Don't want your name Don't want your colour... Don't want your politics Don't want your cause ...

Room 101

Don't claim to be a prophet Don't claim to read the stars But I can see a future Mapped out ...

Child’s Play

Raised in a nursery of crumbling brick Rusted iron, cracked stone and steel Nurtured in a barren concrete crib In ...

Cross My Heart

Yeah, cross my heart and hope to die It will only end in tears, eye for an eye, for an ...

Black Star

Black star, jewel of the night Black star, burning bright Magnificent sun, a beacon burning Five pointed coal, a guide ...

Tomorrow Belongs To Nobody

Your kingdom is of emptiness Invisible empire of illusion There's no majesty in your empty words Your ideology - self ...

Death Certificate

A grim myriad, a grey kaleidoscope, sterile, contrasting Born and die, institutionalised, a bleak epitaph, an apalogue so sad Cross ...

Doctrinal Expletives

A play on words, or words on play Last chapter, verse in the final act Words well scripted, each sentence ...

Blind Bleeding The Blind

(Lick trade-off Amott/Steer/Amott/Steer) Parched with thirst our cup overfloweth With the crimson milk of human blindness In charnel towers of ...

Arbeit Macht Fleisch

Prognathous gears grind So diligent and serrated they mesh Toothed cogs churn So trechant, against soft flesh Worked to the ...

This Mortal Coil

Tearing down the walls Breaching frontiers, unlocking the gates To a new world disorder A fresh balance of terror, the ...


I bow down your precious icon, deity of self suppression This effigy of flesh, corporeal christi, nailed In submission to ...


(Lead - Steer) Works of art, painted black Magniloquent, bleeding dark Monotonous palate, murky spectrum, grimly unlimited Food for thought, ...

No Love Lost

Sensual awakening Numbing feeling's dead Conception's romanticised Synthesized broken heart's to bled Without emotion you heartstring's played Strummed and severed ...

Carnal Forge

Multifarious carnage Meretriciously internecine Sublime enmangling steelbath Of escheated atrocities Enigmatic longanimity of ruminent mass graves Meritorious victory, into body-bags ...

Buried Dreams

Welcome, to a world of hate A life of buried dreams Smothered, by the soils of fate Welcome, to a ...

Hepatic Tissue Fermentation II*

Orally force fed, until cirmosis is induced, Fatal renal failure, bleeds like a sluice, Spewing blood as the gallbladder extrudes, ...

Tools Of The Trade*

Steel skin clips, Forceps, grooved awl, retractors, needles Gouges and saws, Intestinal clamps, blunt dissectors, Scalpels, pins, toothed directors. Tools ...

Carneous Cacoffiny

Human remains in a beaker and tray and coffee pot. Bones which were being partly macerated, dissolved, in a margarine ...

Incarnated Solvent Abuse

If visible identification is not possible, the pathologist may be able to take fingerprints from the body until decay sets ...

Pedigree Butchery

Oh my God! What are these? You can hear people puking... They're dog meat!.? (Lead: Gutted, hashed and deboned by ...

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