In the land of Hyrule fighting for destiny
Got the master sword and it’s taking the best of me
The mirror shield reflects the courage that I posess
Day and night I defend the land I get no rest
In the darkness of the lost woods I cannot find my way
As I roam the fields I run astray
As I meet my goron buddies in the caves
Something tells me this world well it needs to be saved
Got the fate of Hyrule upon my back
power and wisdom are the things I lack
All I got is myself I got no one else
Gonna do it anyway cause it’s my fate
As I look at myself seven years of time has passed
I look around and I see evil
The phantom, the dragon, the ghost and the witches
Mine to conquer mine to kill
Once the disguised one unmasks herself she gives what I need to flourish
Saria, I never told you how I felt about you
I even have the ocaraina that you gave me too
I never told you my feelings
But I a**ure you they are true
As I step across the bridge that the sages built for me
To defeat king ganon and make Hyrule free
He won’t give up but neither will I
Once the kingdom has fallen I’ll fight until I die
He lays on the ground a hopeless mess
And I think to myself I have passed the final test
I bring him down the final foe
Grab the master sword and deliver the final blow