Tag: Cradle of Filth

Amor e Morte

Her bouquets are wilted Too long has She slept Their cruel red mouths darkened To bowed silhouettes I saw in ...

Beyond the Eleventh Hour

All mirrors lead to my palace My exotic pleasure temple Wherein my court is both gracious and insatiable Pure and ...

Harlot On A Pedestal

Where does the madness end? How far down do the rungs expire In smoke and burning heat? In depravity and ...

The Spawn of Love And War

Poets racking absinthed brains Could never fully paint these nights No martyr parting from his pain Could utter worlds so ...

Lilith Immaculate

Church bells resounded like judgement day As they were making love In the rainswept graveyard She fucked him hard, silhouetted ...

Deceiving Eyes

On the night all mirrors fell silent And the clocks struck accord with the rain A storm swept in with ...

The Persecution Song

At the very start There were whispers in the dark And for all the world to see There was witchcraft ...

Church of the Sacred Heart

She slept in ecstasy In hands that fanned ger wildest fantasies Freed from Christ's frigid regime And rigid nails... She ...

One Foul Step From the Abyss

The Feast of Fools, 1308 As January slipped into the grip of winter A leather leash tightened round the throat ...

The Cult of Venus Aversa

I am She Lilith Mistress of the dark Of Sheba First offender And succour to demons Whose sweet seductions and ...


"I have told you the truth and everything as it happened" "All the evil that I could do has been ...

Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder

Burning like derision on the prism of night Still squirming from the sermon, those determined parasites Meant to overpower and ...

Ten Leagues Beneath Contempt

Awaking in a sweat Forsaking pleasure for regret Another night of blight had slowly passed The morning skies once fresh ...

Darkness Incarnate

'Something thicker than despair Rides upon the midnight air The smell of blood, the taste of prey We spy you ...

Honey and Sulphur

Praeclarum Custodem Ovium Lupum All Saints Day, the taint of rain Blood and mud and thunder all the same To ...

Sweetest Maleficia

He would rise triumphant All done up On a plume of raven wings Trafficking with sycophants Sharing his cup Amidst ...

Tragic Kingdom

Here sat Babylon Fattened by the purses of the worst and wrong Where the decadent tastes of Hell grew strong ...


"God can deny nothing to a De Rais And should He ever There is always the Devil"

The 13th Caesar

When Joan was burnt He knew malevolence At the heart of all A cold and jagged abyss bled of sense ...

The Death of Love

Where will you be they tense for warfare? What will you see with your innocence there? Where will you be ...

Shat Out of Hell

Eclipsing violent centuries Like a dark scar over France Enter the nascent Gilles de Rais A warrior and a scholar ...

Under Huntress Moon

With the snow fallen thick And bonfires alit And shooting stars portents of rips I ascended to spur A mere ...

Rise of the Pentagram

One dark afternoon Like a shadow I flew Through the rain that fell sick with lament To this house of ...

Lovesick for Mina

One might see in Mina My disease But it is She who has infected me For all eternity... As the ...

Cemetery and Sundown

We rise with the sun in the underworld We suffer from a graveless name We prise wide lids And wounds ...

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